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Who Is Yoni Assia- eToro

Yoni Assia is an Israeli entrepreneur who co-founded eToro in 2007. eToro has gained popularity as a social trading platform that combines traditional financial trading with a social media-like experience. The platform allows users to trade a variety of assets, including stocks, cryptocurrencies, commodities, and more.

One of the key features of eToro is the ability for users to interact with each other in a social context. Users can share their trading strategies, insights, and analyses. Additionally, eToro introduced a feature called “CopyTrader,” which enables users to automatically replicate the trades of successful and experienced investors on the platform.

Yoni Assia has been instrumental in leading eToro’s growth and development. Under his leadership, eToro expanded its services globally and became a significant player in the online trading industry. The platform’s user-friendly approach and social trading features have attracted a broad user base, including both experienced traders and individuals new to financial markets.

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